
he sent me this today. It rather unusual but he successfully makes me smile :)

NB: i look bald in it. Is that me? or you with other guy?

craving for him

LDR stands for long distance relationship. Yes i'm in, i used to cursed that kind of relationship but i can't afford to loose this guy so i'd rather in :)
It's 2100 km and i miss him badly :(

my new baby :p

and so i bought her..

Fix us

"are we fine?" i said
"fine, but i don't know with the other things yet" he said
"we have to talk" he said.


Been busy preparing my sister's wedding.. It's kinda fun :)
flowers, candles, ribbon, wedding favors..
Ah girls love marriage don't they?


a friend said i have to be my own self
i said we're just in denial
No, just not this time

A little note of today

I Really Need a Holiday

Do i envy her?

i hope not.
coz' it's pathetic!
then why i'm back and forth seeing her in my monitor!


kenapa belum datang2 juga?
cukup sudah badanku didera :'(

and so i pray

Storm is brewing in the
air tonight
So many pressures on my mind
Want to escape just
wanna run away
But it's not an option
I have to stay

And so I pray
I wish that all these things
would go away
To disappear if only for a day
Know I can't go but I don't
wanna stay

Can't believe the irony
The thing I wanted is killing me
All the happy smiles I miss
Didn't think it would be like this

Storm is brewing in the
air tonight
So many pressures on my mind
Want to escape just
wanna run away
But it's not an option
I have to stay

And so I pray
I wish that all these things
would go away
To disappear if only for a day
Know I can't go but
I don't wanna stay
To be left alone if only
for a day
I wish that all these things
would go away
(pray to you I hope it will
be alright)
To be someone else
if only for a day
(and over soon, I feel it)
Know I can't go but I don't
wanna stay
(hope that you hear me)

JEM. and so i pray.
When i came home today, i knew something wrong. My mom was crying, i know though she said everything's fine..
It kills me to know that one of the person you love in this world is crying. And oh i know what this all about. But i can not do anything about it, i'm sorry mum. I wish i could take your pain away, really..


I hate this Fcukin Bloody Hormone!!!!
It makes me super sensitive
feels like crying :(

I miss 7 eleven

I miss you, you're the oasis among the alien food out there!!!!! my starving saver!

I used to wonder why it called 7 eleven, if i use the nine to five logic ora nyambung hahahaha!
so the best conclusion just the sevEN and elevEN the EN-EN thing makes a good sound isn't it?
Come here soon baby...

well i don't know what i'm writing!

logika ngantuk dan lapar

ngantuk + lapar
Sungguh perpaduan yang tidak selaras.
Di saat pengen tidur perut keroncongan
Di saat pengen makan, mata ngga bisa kompromi

ngantuk + lapar = tidur + makan
Perpaduan yang cocok untuk seorang pengangguran!

Tentang belajar menjalankan mobil

Tadi sore bokap gw nyempetin waktu buat kembali untuk sekian kalinya ngajarin gw bawa mobil. Gw sepertinya harus berterimakasih buat kesabaran bokap gw selama ini..
Sebenernya teorinya gw udah bisa smua, itu kata instruktur gw. Prakteknya? Hemm..
Kira-kira begini komentar orang-orang yang pernah turut serta dalam pelajaran bermobil gw:

"Ngeremnya jangan sayang-sayang donk nes!" -Bokap-

"Kamu tuh gila yah!" -Cowo gw, waktu mobilnya mepet bgt sama truk disamping-

"Jangan panik, kalo panik semuanya juga ilang" -Mas Roy-

"Agnes, ngeremnya masih kedeketan!" -Nyokap-

"Eh eh awas awas jangan terlalu ke kanan" -Cowo gw-

"Stop stoppp lampunya udah kuning itu! -Bokap, alhasil gw kelewat garis di lampu merah untung ngga ditangkep polisi padahal tepat diseberang ada pak polisi-

"Bales kanan, cepet cepet!"
daaannnn BRUKK. -Bokap, waktu ngajarin gw keluar garasi rumah (maap ya pah :) -

Yah begitu deh.. Tapi gw udah punya SIM berarti negara ini percaya klo gw udah bisa bawa mobil wkwkwk...
Mari menyetir mobil teman-teman.

Visit Indonesia commercial

When i was in a train from Hatyai to Butterworth i saw the Visit Malaysia commercial, well it was good, just enough to make you smile and wonder when will you go to Malaysia but India's has better commercial, makes you really-really wanna go there and touches Taj Mahal and all those dancing Saris!!

And what about Indonesia? Do we have that "really wanna visit Indonesia when you see it" commercial?

Yes we do! click here to see

And it was beautiful.. The sound works really well i guess. It's 2008 though, we'll see how they're doing this year.
Love my beautiful Indonesia, it always feels good to come back home :)

sebentar lagi 23!

Ok gw agak freakin out! Dalam 9 minggu dan 2 hari umur gw akan bertambah jadi 23, dan 23 itu tua ya TUA! Dan baru kali ini gw ngerasa tua karena sebelum2nya:
  1. Sejak jaman2 sekolah gw selalu jadi yang paling kecil karena gw masuk TK umur 4 tahun
  2. Badan gw kecil a.k.a kurus jadi mau gimanapun tetep ngga keliatan dewasa
  3. Kelakuan gw kadang lebihmudadariumur gw, walopun pernah jadi orang kantoran tetep aja gw dianggap anak kecil krn kelakuan gw
  4. Einstein pernah bilang "Energi yang sama berkumpul dengan energi yang sama" maka gw bertemen dengan temen2 yang ber"energi" sama dan jadilah kami kumpulan orang-orang bertampang bangkotan dengan kelakuan seperti bocah
Tapi 23 sepertinya sangat tua sekali.. karena:
  1. Gw masi pengangguran (akibat resign november lalu -yg sama sekali tak gw sesalkan)
  2. Masih wondering akan kemana hidup gw
  3. Udah banyak temen gw yang pada merit (bukan brarti gw pengen buru2 merit cuma mikir aja kok umur sgini dah pada merit ini gw apa orang2 yg salah yah??)
  4. Banyak wajah2 baru dalam keluarga alias keponakan-keponakan yg baru lahir dan akan manggil gw tante, damn!

My first backpacking experience.

Here are some shots from South East Asia

Moral of the picture : Go traveling while you can! Live your dream and live like a dream coz it's worth it :)

For One More Day by Mitch Albom

I got this book in a used book store in Kao San Road, Bangkok when i'm traveling there. I didn't pick it randomly, my friend suggest me this book. And so i bought it, although it was not the new one but i like it. It was the first NY edition and once was read by Jordan Kadlovsk (i wonder how many countries he had visits until this book came to me.. hmm) , the price was 170 Baht.

Anyway, the book is about Chick a former baseball player who is trying to attempt suicide because of his unendless failure in his life. He lost his job, his family and his beloved mum. It was told that when he's unconcious because of his attempt, he met his mother, yes a ghost. But hey it's not a spooky ghost stories! Like every other mum, she tried to heal her boy and Mitch's way to tell the stories is amazing, funny and sure will touches your heart. For you who had a bad relationship with your mum you better read this book, it sure give you a little enlightment, enjoy!

Tentang menjadi pesimis

Nama saya Agnes Mianti. Dalam 2 bulan saya akan berusia 23 tahun, saya seorang sarjana Teknik Informatika yg tau sedikit sekali tentang yg namanya teknologi informasi. Salah jurusan? bisa jadi, atau mungkin itu hanya pembelaan yang sangat umum dipakai oleh orang-orang yang senasib dengan saya.

Saya adalah orang yang pesimis, saya tak pernah menjadi optimis karena saya selalu beranggapan jika saya berharap terlalu tinggi maka akan terlalu sakit ketika saya jatuh. Jadilah saya menjadi orang yang pesimis dan skeptis.. Kadang terasa sangat menyiksa menjadi orang seperti itu. Membuat saya tidakbisatidurpadasaatmasalahterjadi atau lebih menyiksa lagi ketika sebenarnya masalah yg saya anggap masalah itu bukan masalah, rasanya otak saya penuhh sekali..
karena itu saya ingin berubah, mungkin menjadi netral saja sudah cukup, dijalani saja hidup ini bukan? karena saya tak bisa tidur malam ini dan sudah cukup, saya tak mau tak bisa tidur lagi.