Visit Indonesia commercial

When i was in a train from Hatyai to Butterworth i saw the Visit Malaysia commercial, well it was good, just enough to make you smile and wonder when will you go to Malaysia but India's has better commercial, makes you really-really wanna go there and touches Taj Mahal and all those dancing Saris!!

And what about Indonesia? Do we have that "really wanna visit Indonesia when you see it" commercial?

Yes we do! click here to see

And it was beautiful.. The sound works really well i guess. It's 2008 though, we'll see how they're doing this year.
Love my beautiful Indonesia, it always feels good to come back home :)


Anonymous said...


Fei said...

cuma kurang publish nya aja kali yah. padahal icon visit indonesianya dah keren.

mampir2 yah

agnes.mianti said...

yupp. Tapi untuk iklan ky gini memang targetnya turis mancanegara bukan? jadi kita2 disini jarang ngeliat hehehe.. Iya iconnya bagus yahh.
Sipp dimampirkeun.
Makasih udah mampir :)

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